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Jimmy Huang - Founder

Jimmy對烹飪的興趣始於過去在英國留學的時光。歸國後Jimmy進入金融產業工作,並達到成為知名資產管理公司基金經理人的職涯目標,但對於料理及創業的熱情仍使Jimmy決定轉換跑道,成立屬於自己的餐廳。雖然並非餐飲科班出身,但Jimmy靠著不斷嘗試練習,以及持續至海外造訪知名餐廳及研讀原文食譜與國際餐飲資訊,逐步累積帶領廚房團隊的能力。2017年8月,Jimmy邀請好友Elvis主廚一起成立JE kitchen,並設定為提供完整西式套餐的Casual Fine dining型態。在Elvis主廚的幫助下,Jimmy一肩扛起了菜色構思、菜單設計、食譜製作、流程規劃等工作,一點一滴的建構出具有國際水準的餐點。很榮幸地,JE kitchen入選為2018年首屆台北米其林指南推薦餐廳,對Jimmy過去的堅持與投入無疑是的莫大肯定,也證明了只要具有足夠的熱情及不懈的努力,夢想始終會有實現的一天。

Jimmy started to be interested in cooking when he was pursuing his post graduate degree in the U.K. He entered financial industry after  coming back to Taiwan, and finally achieved his career goal by being a portfolio manager in a well known local fund house. However, Jimmy's passion for cooking and entrepreneurship made ultimately made him change his career path by establishing his own restaurant. Assisted by chef Elvis, Jimmy gradually accumulated the ability to lead the kitchen team, including menu design, recipe build up, process arrangement and operation management, as well as fine tuned the food quality of JE kitchen to meet up international level. We are proud that JE kitchen has been selected as a recommended restaurant by the 2018 Taipei Michelin guide, and it's undoubtedly a great recognition of Jimmy's effort, proving that the dreams will come true one day with enough passion and hard work. 

Elvis Chen - Partner

Elvis主廚自18歲開始投入廚房工作, 而廚藝生涯的轉戾點,便是於2007年時受江振誠主廚 (Andre Chiang) 的邀請, 前往當時著名法國Pourcel雙胞胎兄弟主廚的米其林三星餐廳“Le Jardin des Sens”的海外分店“Sens & Bund”擔任副主廚職位,並至法國本店接受Pourcel雙胞胎主廚的親自指導訓練。其後Elvis在Sens & Bund餐廳升任至執行主廚 (Chef de Cuisine) ,管理規模達數十人的廚房團隊。2011年因照顧家人之故, Elvis返台擔任台北香格里拉遠東國際飯店行政副主廚,也創下了香格里拉國際飯店集團首位台籍廚師擔任行政副主廚的紀錄,成為台灣廚師中少數能在海外米其林等級餐廳長期擔任主管職務者,更是難得能夠兼具正統法式精緻餐飲(Fine Dining)及國際五星級飯店體系高級主管經驗者。

Chef Elvis began to work in kitchen since the age of 18, and the turning point of his career is that he was invited by chef Andre Chiang to be the sous chef at restaurant “Sens & Bund”, which was a branch of three Michelin starred restaurant “Le Jardin des Sens” owned by well known Pourcel twin brothers. Elvis was finally promoted as the Chef de cuisine of Sens & Bund, leading the kitchen team with more than 30 people. In 2011, Elvis came back to Taiwan, and was invited by Shangri La Far eastern hotel to be the first Taiwanese  executive sous chef of the group. Elvis is one of very few chefs that is able to have working experiences at both oversea fining dining restaurant and international premium hotel system.

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